Tools – Pre-existing medical conditions

A short video about pre-existing medical conditions and fertility


Preconception Health Care- What about vaccination?

This text provides recommendations according to the topic “vaccination” to improve preconception health care for men and woman. The increase of vaccine-preventable illnesses, such as measles and SARS COV 2 infections in Europe and worldwide has been observed recently. But as we can see many people are in doubt whether are not to get vaccinated due to fear of adverse effects. The objective of this short overview is to improve the knowledge concerning the recommended vaccinations in Europe and the importance of them before conception of a first pregnancy.

Why are vaccinations recommended?

Vaccinations administered during the childhood and adolescence offer a unique opportunity for physical health in the preconception period and subsequently for their descendants.

 Why should I get vaccinated in the preconception period?

Most of the vaccines are live-attenuated (weakened) virus vaccines, so it’s important to get a full immunization before you plan or get pregnant. Once you should check the numbers of vaccinations with your doctor or make a blood test to evaluate your immunity. Exception is the influenza vaccination, which is necessary annually every season with a live vaccine- but it is also possible inactivated during a pregnancy.

Which vaccinations are recommended?

  • Measles, Mumps, Rubella
  • Varicella
  • Tetanus
  • Diphteria,
  • Poliomyelitis
  • Whooping cough
  • Hepatitis A and B
  • Influenza
  • Human Papilloma Virus
  • Sars Cov 2

For further information about this infection diseases and the possibilities of preventive vaccinations, please ask a medical professional for advice.

The infographic below gives an overview about some medical institutions and the recommended vaccines the green box. The red boxes contain recommendations for people with further risks based on additional medical issues.


How can your weight impact your reproductive health?

Sexually transmitted infections

Check out this animation. What is true and what is false?

Pre-existing medical conditions -poster

It is very important to take care of pre-existing medical conditions, specially when planning pregnancy. Here is a poster you can print!

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